Sunday 6 February 2011


I told you that I'm a member of Etsy team 'In the Making'. This week's team challenge was about the Chinese New Year: 'what's your sign? - make a treasury out of it'. Pey, the team's captain provided a link to a website showing the different signs and the years they applied to.

I was always told to be born in the year of the monkey, but I was not told that the Chinese year changes around my birthday at the beginning of February, one year just before my birthday, in another one a few days later. In the year I was born, the sign changed to monkey just a few days after my birthday (now you can try to figure out, in which year I was born, he he ...). So, in fact I was born in the year of the sheep. But neither monkey nor sheep really fit me - in my opinion at least ;-) However, I made a treasury for both the signs, but wasn't too fond of it whereas other team members created gorgeous collections of their signs. You can watch them all here.

Yesterday I remembered my western zodiac, Aquarius and I created another collection. For this. I loved to do that because it's all about water and the sea. Clicking on the image will lead you to the original from where you can click through to all these beautiful finds.

If I could choose, I'd live directly in front of the sea. With the woods at the back ;-)

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